Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel 10x + Laravel Sanctum that comes with an excellent user and role management API out of the box
Laravel and Nuxt.js boilerplate designed for development with maximum API performance, ready-made authorization methods, image uploading with optimization, user roles, device management
Nuxt module for Laravel Sanctum authentication
Nuxt 3 + laravel sanctum authentication
A simple and clean starter-kit to start a new SPA project. Its like Jetstream without Inertia but with Vue-Router and Pinia as store.
Nuxt 3 module for seamless Laravel Sanctum authentication with SSR support.
Simple Laravel 10 REST API with AUTH Sanctum/Categories/Products
This repository uses PHP Laravel and Javascript Vue.js frameworks to implement Role Permissions management in CMS. Cookie based SPA authorization feature of Laravel Sanctum package is used to authoriz...
SPA Authentication using Laravel 9 Sanctum, Vue 3 and Vite
SPA Authentication using Laravel Sanctum and Vue.js
A full featured sanctum api with refresh token and expiration.
A PHP Laravel web application that uses most of Laravel technologies to build that gym system.The System is based on rules. Admin, City Manager, Gym Manager. All Crud operations running using data tab...
An opinionated application starter kit built on NextJS tailored for Laravel's Sanctum API.
CherryStar is a compilation of technologies that you must know to work as back-end or front-end developer.
Sanctum CRUD authentication API with Laravel
Go Sanctum offers a simple-to-use authentication system like Laravel Sanctum.
Explore the seamless integration of Laravel Fortify & Sanctum for web and API authentication in this project. Divided into three phases, we demonstrate user authentication using API methods in the fir...
#博客#This a complete blog tutorial with authentication that I did on my youtube channel with Laravel 9, Vue 3 and Laravel sanctum. Enjoy!
Laravel Restful API Project with Docker & Sanctum, some times we need start project quickly then we are searching git repo which have ready for development. then i suggest you to use because this repo...