Enjoy games with your friends as if you were on a LAN.
翻译 - 让您和您的朋友像在局域网中一样玩游戏。
A *.json file with working Tinfoil shops on it.
Discord Rich Presence integration for Nintendo Switch.
yuzu Early Access Launcher downloads latest yuzu Early Access, latest prod.keys and latest Firmware. Nintendo Switch prod.keys and Nintendo Switch Firmware is available here.
The definitive way to display your Nintendo Switch games in Discord.
Experimental macOS Port of https://github.com/mart1nro/joycontrol
For FDGH files from HAL Laboratory games
A library to automate Nintendo Switch games using CH55x microcontrollers.
Windows GUI application for switch-lan-play
Pacchetto HATS precompilato per Nintendo Switch con chip Picofly
📈Manage your ACNH's Turnips market with your smartphone
A macOS tool for images convertion to Nintendo Switch readable photos.
Patch for Nintendo Switch homebrew nogc (no game card), if your game cards are not reading on your system your best bet is dragging the bootloader and atmosphere files included within this patch to th...
Copy files from old Switch microSD card to new one