hekate - A GUI based Nintendo Switch Bootloader
翻译 - Nintendo Switch引导程序-CTCaer mod
[ARCHIVED since MAY 2020] All-in-One CFW Package for the Nintendo Switch
翻译 - Nintendo Switch的多合一CFW软件包-先前为SDFilesSwitch
MacOS tool for downloading/updating/configuring latest resources into the SD card for a hacked Nintendo Switch.
NixOS module with some useful features for hacked nintendo switch
Simple no frills updater for Hekate and Atmosphere.
已不再适用,请前往下面的网址下载/Not supported anymore, go download in the link below
NSP Gui Combines NSP files dumped into a Fat32 filesystem back into a single NSP file, all from a lovely GUI.
(Wip)A custom and opensoucre bootloader for Tegra K1(T124/T132) device.
A catalog of Nintendo homebrew. This repository hosts the frontend. There's also a GitHub Pages-hosted fileserver to power the backend
Patch for Nintendo Switch homebrew nogc (no game card), if your game cards are not reading on your system your best bet is dragging the bootloader and atmosphere files included within this patch to th...