A Generative Art Generator
翻译 - 生成艺术生成器
The repos includes script for uploading bulk files in a directory to ipfs using nft.storage
WASM web-application that allows you to mint ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens in all major testnets
Tool used to create several different instances of artwork based on the layers provided.
A web app that helps you pin your CIDs to remote pinning services. It does not track or collect your data/api keys
(HackFS 2021)A dapp where users can use certificate template to create certificate and upload it to IPFS
This is a simple script to upload images and metadata to nft.storage. It will upload all images and metadata in the specified folders.
(Web3 Weekend) A dapp where users can make a post on what they need for their website and developers to find work
#区块链#Store data on the blockchain
#区块链#All fund + no pay with this Bundlr Network starter. Play around in the permaweb with the Bundlr dev network funded by the leading Polygon testnet, Mumbai.
#区块链#nft-cloud-trading 数字藏品平台(Non-Fungible Token “NFT”)自动交易和撮合系统 spring cloud
Credit Bureau NFT were you can show your Credit Score on Beautiful NFT.
Various NFT Image Collection Downloader from Opensea Platform
nft-cloud数字藏品平台(Non-Fungible Token “NFT”)统一平台 spring boot spring cloud
Minting ERC721 Token based on Ethereum in backend built with Go