Envoy 是为面向大型现代服务架构而设计的 L7 代理和通信总线
drpc is a lightweight, drop-in replacement for gRPC
翻译 - drpc是gRPC的轻量级替代产品
A fast function router for serverless Node.js applications
Fantastic type-safe router for Node.js, micro and other servers
#区块链#A golang monorepo hosting http and grpc services that handle signing transactions using the ed25519 algorithm
High Aviability checker game
nanoservice based fullstack software architecture framework
Rapids and rivers pattern interpretation and implementation
Azure Functions with HTTP Trigger to show how nano services can be used
My experiments with Azure Functions, featuring 4 small apps
#计算机科学#Attempt to create a completely declarative, self-evolving (nano-)service framework
Akka/Scala-based implementation of the Stem Middleware for nanoservices