Chronos - A static race detector for the go language
翻译 - Chronos-用于go语言的静态种族探测器
Safe concurrency in D (`shared` made easier)
Promised based Javascript Mutex
Philosophers is a project from the 42 school curriculum that explores concurrent programming with threads and mutexes, processes and semaphores. It is a variation on the famous dining philosophers pro...
A C++11 shared mutex with high emphasis on performance
[documented code / -pedantic -std=c89] - 42School variant of the dining philosophers problem to learn the basics of threading a process, how to create threads and use mutexes.
#算法刷题#The dining philosophers problem is an example problem often used in concurrent algorithm design to illustrate synchronization issues and techniques for resolving them.
Add table-level database locking to ActiveRecord
This is a project for the practical work of the Operating system module in The University of Ibn Khaldoun - Algeria in which we had used the notion of threads and parallelism to make a library simulat...
Multithreaded TCP Client/Server implementation in C++
#IOS#Mitra: Shared memory synchronization manager
Often referred to as the Dining Philosophers Problem, is a classical synchronization problem that explores the challenges of resource sharing and deadlock avoidance.
A memory-efficient, in-memory, flexible, Promise-based locking library without dependencies.
A Go Library to Efficiently Store a Set of Mutex or RWMutex
Cross-Window Broadcasting and Locking
CLI for audio player to stream and play all your music files at ease and fast on your terminal
A simple thread pool written in C++17.
Synchronization Library and Static Analysis Tool for C# 8
These exercises were attempted and completed during the course 'Operating Systems' offered by Dr. Sivaselvan B. at IIITDM Kancheepuram.