Self-hosted music streaming server 🎶 with RESTful API and Web interface. Think of it as your very own Spotify! ☁️🎧
An elegant HTML5 web folder player for parties and/or private music collections, with sharing options and playlist management that's just better
Play Music in Termux Like a GeeK
Simple music player
PiPod MP3 player with a 250 × 122 e-Paper screen
Video-/Audio-Player :: Plyr, Unterstützt: lokale Videos, externe Videos, Vimeo, YouTube und mp3.
lplayer is a simple audio player for simply listening
An audio book player for the elderly and visually impaired
Vue Sound is an audio player built with Vue.js. Add a beautiful & accessible cross-browser HTML5 audio player to your Vue app!
An AudioPlayer based on CSCore to play music from a WebDAV location using WebDAV-Client
The PCEmulator by Fabrizio Di Vittorio plus applications for a more complete system.
Tutorial Membuat Aplikasi Musik Player dengan Android Studio
mp3 player, play while downloading. support set rate, and local cache. mp3播放器, 边下载边播放, 支持调速, 控制台操作.