1.21.3 Lightweight Minecraft server
翻译 - 1.16.4轻巧和多线程的Minecraft服务器
A modern application that can dynamically and easily deliver Minecraft oriented software
A modern JavaScript development environment for Minecraft.
#大语言模型#☄️ LiteCommands - Command framework for Velocity, Bukkit, Paper, BungeeCord, Minestom, Sponge, Fabric, JDA and future implementations.
Minecraft 1.8-1.21.3 (no Spigot) recreation of Hypixel SkyBlock with a goal of a properly abstracted and scalable codebase.
Reimplementation of Vanilla features in Minestom
Library for convenient management of bitmap textures from Minecraft resourcepacks.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome Minestom libraries, resources, projects, and servers.
An opensource minecraft world generator for PaperMC & more
A set of data-driven libraries useful for creating MMO servers, based on Minestom.
Simple launcher for the Minecraft Minestom server.