Repositório responsável por todos os códigos desenvolvidos durante a Série para Iniciantes em JavaScript
翻译 - 负责 JavaScript 初学者系列期间开发的所有代码的存储库
This repo contains the reference implementation for the Microsoft Learn Azure OpenAI end to end chat baseline.
MS Learn Node Essentials sample code
#前端开发#Atlas Design System serves the Microsoft Learn design & engineering teams. We are a CSS-first design system that aspires to beautiful, accessible, themeable, reading-direction-agnostic components.
Code written during courses on Microsoft Learn. Microsoft Learn is a free online school with courses to learn new skills, find certifications and advance career.
Sample repo for use pages, routing, and layouts to improve Blazor navigation Learn Module
Set of tools to provide better experience for the learners and educators on MS Learn
Anotações de Estudo para Exame AZ-900 - Fundamentos do Microsoft Azure
Find the source code for the Random Fact Generator built during the GET some REST workshop here.
Anotações de Estudo para o Exame AI-900 - Azure AI Fundamentals
#计算机科学#MLSA - Introduction to Azure and Machine Learning
One of the most popular Online free Theme downloader in the capital, Start-Theme is a site builder, using which you can create templates, cms templates including WordPress themes, make a high-qual...
Azure Fundamentals validates foundational knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure.
API Web with ASP,NET
A minimal ASP.NET Core web api project to showcase Entity Framework Core with both SQLite and in-memory database implementations. This basic web api features CRUD operations with Http Verb Operations ...
.NET Core Minimal API Example from Microsoft Learn
Unit bundler for Microsoft Learn modules.
Flask API for the learn-bundler repo.