MEVN Full Stack E-Commerce Solution. Built using MEVN Stack (Node.js, Express.js, Vue.js, MongoDB) with Developer Friendliness and Cloud Integrations in mind. Previously Powered the Veniqa New York St...
翻译 - MEVN全栈电子商务解决方案。使用MEVN堆栈(Node.js,Express.js,Vue.js,MongoDB)构建。 100%可定制。
ShoppingCart (Ecommerce) 🛒 Application using Vuejs, + Node.js + Express + MongoDB 🚀🤘
⭐️ the most comprehensive mevn stack boilerplate. ⭐️ mongodb - express - vue 3 (admin dashboard) - nodejs - nuxt 3 (client) boilerplate (pinia, tiptap, slug, vuetify and vuexy and more...) 🎉
🚀 🌠 Real Time Chat Application created with MEVN Stack
🐦 Fully functional Twitter clone
WIP 🔗 A modern URL shortener
Repositório responsável pelos workshops de Vue.js com Azure App Service
A MEVN app (boilerplate) with a responsive UI including a todo list and a show section with products from Built using vue3 && tailwind for the front and express, node, mongodb for ...
A MEVN boilerplate setup with example CRUD, auth/user, email, validation, lazyload and pagination functionality out of the box.
A PWA for board games fans. It allows you to store your games, create teams, and collect statistics. It's built with MEVN stack, using Vue.js 2 and Vuetify.
Boost your productivity and manage your time by using the Pomodoro thecnique.
MEVN ready to use template for ScaleDynamics platform
Build scalable and powerful web apps with modern web stack: MongoDB, Vue, Node.js, and Express
💥 Open source MEVN Stack Blog template
🎲🧩 Guess the map osu! game using MEVN stack
A Gmail clone app written in MEVN stack which mocks basic functions of gmail, yahoo and other popular mail servers. Email messages are segregated into read, important, trash sections. Vue components a...
Simple Phone Buying store Using VueJS and NodeJS
#计算机科学#[IEEE LUMS CodinGuru 2020 Hackathon - Winner] Detect and track locations of TYLCV disease by sending a picture of a leaf to a web chat.