My collection of BadUSB scripts for the Flipper Zero. By downloading the files, you automatically agree to the license and the specific terms in the ReadMe.
💾 Customizable menu system for M5Stack, M5Unified and ESP32-Chimera-Core - loads apps from the Micro SD card. Easily add you own apps
ESP32 ScreenShotReceiver. Send jpegs from your Windows PC to the ESP32 receiver.
StickWatch2 and some interesting projects based on M5StickC
M5Stick and M5StickC(+) as a remote control transmitter
Ultrasonic distance sensor for ESP-IDF
Firmware for M5StickCPlus2 with web interface
Use the M5Stick to send engine temperature information to SignalK via UDP
Temperature & Humiditiy Monitoring Application for M5Stick(Arduino)
M5stick-c RESTful weather to fetch (tempreture, humidity and air pressure) using the DHT12 hat (ENV)