Easy auditing & sandboxing for your JavaScript dependencies 🪱
Coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics data in Shanghai lockdown. 封控期间上海疫情数据,包括病例数、死亡数、确诊数、无症状数和疫情地址等。
Lock down a Django site or individual views, with configurable preview authorization
Disabling kernel lockdown on Ubuntu without physical access
Coders way of wishing Happy Birthday
Ça reste ouvert - the collaborative map of open places during the lockdown
Jsi is a small, C-embeddable javascript interpreter with tightly woven Web and DB support.
Synchronized video player for watching videos together remotely.
Population Movements at Spring 2020 Lockdown in France - Interactive Data Visualizations
Bypass hack cheat Respondus LockDown Browser for online exams. Key features include remote software usage, Alt+Tab window switching, and screenshot capture.
Help your neighbourhood get supplies in the most efficient and safe way possible. Alert your locality on available essentials in the neighbourhood by using Neighbourhood Supply.
Lockdown is a set of scripts, lists and configuration files used to quickly implement granular intelligent automated firewall security at the host level using iptables, ipset and fail2ban.
Scripts and Documentation for Hardening Windows Command Prompt and PowerShell
A GitHub repo for the generation of a network model to represent society with various components, the spread of the disease on this network, and the calculation of reproduction number on these simulat...
A collection of registry files to help provide a stricter default configuration of Google Chrome in Windows