An UNOFFICIAL cross-platform KakaoTalk client written in TypeScript & Rust (SolidJS, tauri)
AdBlock for KakaoTalk Desktop Client
翻译 - 适用于KakaoTalk PC客户端的AdBlock
A Node.js module to make unofficial KakaoTalk bots (within the legal scope).
#大语言模型#카카오톡 ChatGPT AI 챗봇 빌더
KakaoTalk Environment on Debian Linux (카카오톡 데비안 리눅스 환경)
🟡 Kakao SDK All-In-One Solution Supports Android, iOS, Web, New architecture, Old Architecture, Expo
Unofficial KakaoTalk AUR package for (Arch) Linux
🎒 Laravel 5 School Chatbot for Kakaotalk (Cafeteria, Schedule, Luck)
카카오톡 채팅방에서 대화 내보내기를 통해 생성한 파일을 전처리해주는 라이브러리입니다.
Guide for installation of kakaotalk on Debian/Ubuntu based distro through WINE(POL)
#安卓#Read the KakaoTalk message using Android System API (notification/screen)
With multiple Parsers and Generators, this project helps you to organize chat history from other apps. Theoretically, if you are able to create a parser, you can import chat history from any app you w...