#安卓#An Android app that change what the buttons do on your devices!
#安卓#Camera based mouse emulator for Android
#安卓#Educational application written in Kotlin aimed at automating user-defined workflows for the mobile game, "Granblue Fantasy", using MediaProjection, AccessibilityService, and OpenCV.
用于查看系统中安装的所有应用的详细信息,且可以查看当前顶层 Activity 的全路径,方便在反编译应用的时候快速定位
#安卓#An Android library that aims to make the accessibility APIs less confusing and more streamlined.
#安卓#Template Project for an Android CV Bot using OpenCV for template matching, MediaProjection for taking screenshots, and AccessiblityService to execute gestures on screen.
Flutter plugin for interacting with Accessibility Service in Android.
#安卓#An android app used to release memory by kill process using accessibility
#安卓#Basic Android AccessibilityService boilerplate starter project.
#安卓#世界弹射物语(没凉) / 弹射世界(凉了) 自动值守脚本,基于原生无障碍服务开发,正在适配多个手机分辨率。
#安卓#Read the KakaoTalk message using Android System API (notification/screen)