A workbench for writing toy implementations of distributed systems.
翻译 - 用于编写分布式系统的玩具实现的工作台。
Curated list of resources on testing distributed systems
翻译 - 有关测试分布式系统的精选资源列表
The command-line frontend to transactional consistency checkers for black-box databases
Rust node framework for building distributed systems for learning for https://github.com/jepsen-io/maelstrom / fly.io
Using "Testing Shared Memories" paper to make Jepsen check linearizability in linear time
Gossip Glomers solution https://fly.io/dist-sys/
Framework for distributed system's verification, with fault injection.
A Rust crate to write toy distributed systems with Maelstrom as Actors.
Jepsen tests for Tarantool
Property testing distributed applications with fault injection and verification.
Testing PowerSync with Jepsen for Causual Consistency, atomic transactions, and strong convergence.
#区块链#Distributed system testing using Jepsen to test the Orbs platform for network resiliency
My attempts at https://fly.io/dist-sys/
Rust solutions for the fly.io distributed systems challenge
Jepsen Tests for Causal Consistency
This is to set up an 8 node ceph cluster with Vagrant to test ceph with Jepsen, japsen is optional
A workaround for docker compose's lack of support for configuring systemd containers.
Jepsen maelstrom CRDT servers in Go