The missing bridge between Java and native C++
翻译 - Java和本机C ++之间缺少的桥梁
Gradle plugins to automate the build process of JavaCPP and JavaCV
Use JavaCPP and JavaCPP presets with ease. Base plugin for JavaCPP-related projects.
jWinToast is a Java package that uses javacpp to create native Windows notifications. It is a Java extension built around C++. WinToastWrapperlibrary.
Java wrapper for LibAPR. Allowes to read and reconstruct APR files.
Steps of using Java Native Interface (mix between Java & C/C++ codes)
Simple object detection with TensorRT javacpp
ALSA JavaCPP binding (for ktmidi project only so far) / deprecated. Use alsa-javacpp
Compare two images when given 2 urls as args.
Template / simple example of how to use javacpp in maven project.
Project for Multimedia Information Management course