Insight Toolkit (ITK) -- Official Repository. ITK builds on a proven, spatially-oriented architecture for processing, segmentation, and registration of scientific images in two, three, or more dimens...
翻译 - 洞察工具包(ITK)-官方资料库
An elegant Python interface for visualization on the web platform to interactively generate insights into multidimensional images, point sets, and geometry.
High performance spatial analysis in a web browser and across programming languages and hardware architectures
Kitware Course in Biomedical Image Analysis and Visualization: ITK
Sources for the ITKSoftwareGuide.
Ultrasound image formation, processing, and analysis. Interfaces built off the ITKUltrasound library.
Fast, Texture Feature Maps from N-Dimensional Images
Structure preserving color normalization on H&E images using a reference image
ITKGrowCut is a remote module for ITK. It segments a 3D image from user-provided foreground and background seeds.
A module for the Insight Toolkit (ITK) that provides a generic, modular, and extensible architecture for lesion sizing algorithms in medical images as well as a reference algorithm for lung solid lesi...
ITK IO for images stored in OME-Zarr format.
External Module for Total Variation Algorithms, providing wrap for
VkFFT backends for ITK FFT classes.
ITK filters that quantify bone morphometry
This ITK module contains a filter that generates component images from an itk::Image of itk::Vector, itk::CovariantVector, or itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor.
Various filters for enhancing cortical bones in quantitative computed tomography.
Frangi method of computing a probability of vessel occurence from CT DICOM image
ArrayFire-backed ITK pipelines
Fast Point Feature Histogram