Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one
翻译 - 通过更改当前状态来创建下一个不可变状态
Annotation processor to create immutable objects and builders. Feels like Guava's immutable collections but for regular value objects. JSON, Jackson, Gson, JAX-RS integrations included
Structures of Arrays that behave like Arrays of Structures
Write ClojureScript in JavaScript without a transpiler.
A small sample app to showcase architecting app using Clean Architecture and MVVM
Implementing purely functional I/Os in Java and understanding their business value for real applications in Scala with the ZIO library
Sapling template multi-module application using spring boot in gradle. Has advanced configuration pre-built for development and testing.
Pre-made Immutables styles made by Treatwell for you!
Functions to serialize and hydrate state objects, partial immutables, and full immutables.
Immutable Data Structures for python, for better OOP Programming and Safer Multi-threading.
Immutable implementations of camunda api interfaces
ImmutableStructEx is yet another immutable struct. What makes ImmutableStructEx different, is that it allows you to create immutable structs in one step by default. In other words, other immutable str...
Comparison of value objects in Java
Simple and basic implementation of the 2048-game with basic ascii-art UI written in Java.
Example Spring Boot application that demonstrates how to use Immutables with MapStruct in an almost real life scenario.
My own version of Immer. Just for fun!
A Mapstruct SPI extension to map protobuf-java classes to POJOs, Immutables, Records and other protobufs