Markup and styles that feel right
📝Webpack loader for Omi.js React.js and Rax.js components 基于 Omi.js,React.js 和 Rax.js 单文件组件的 Webpack 模块加载器
This is a plugin for Obsidian ( Can open document with .html and .htm file extensions.
An Go library of synchronization primitives to help make use of hardware transactional memory (HTM)
Quickly bootstrap your next web app with Fastify, Preact and htm
Conversion tool from JSX or Handlebars to htm (tagged template literal)
➿ An extensible JSX-based virtual DOM library for lightweight use in a variety of environments.
This repository enables learners to perform front-end full stack development, with emphasis on employability skills. The repository covers key technologies and architectures that enable the learners t...
An highly editable resume form developed with HTM (Hyperscript Tagged Markup) which is JSX-like syntax in plain JavaScript.
翻译 - 使用HTM(超文本标记的标记)开发的高度可编辑的简历表单,这是纯JavaScript中类似JSX的语法。
XHTM − eXtended Hyperscript Tagged Markup