Hyperscript Tagged Markup: JSX alternative using standard tagged templates, with compiler support.
翻译 - Hyperscript标记的标记:使用标准标记模板的JSX替代品,并具有编译器支持。
🔖 Useful template literal tags for dealing with strings in ES2015+
👨🦰 Handlebars just got a trim, alternative JS template engine, 2kb gzip
👨🦰 Handlebars just got a trim, alternative JS template engine, 2kb gzip
XHTM − eXtended Hyperscript Tagged Markup
Use plain HTML files as tagged templates.
Tagged template for CSS Modules: const styles = css`.root { color: red; }`; <div class={styles.root}></div>
Streaming and async template rendering for node.js using template strings
The currency exchange widget inspired by a popular mobile app implemented using Preact, Meiosis, HTML tagged templates and native ES modules.
Tagged templates to enhance your text processing experience — Zero dependencies 🎉
Micro mustache-style template parser
Remove unnecessary tagged templates at compile time.
The template for BriefJS and other declarative JavaScript frameworks.
Using JavaScript tagged template literals for creating DOM Element trees
Mithril.js template with htm as tagged templates engine. TypeScript enabled.
Class-name expressions in the style of concatenative programming.