Fast and simple homebrew save manager for 3DS and Switch.
翻译 - 用于3DS和Switch的快速,简单的自制保存管理器。
[Wii U] Homebrew App Store - download apps for HBL (Legacy)
A C++ library for easier homebrew development for the Nintendo 3DS
A Dreamcast ethernet loader originally by ADK/Napalm — This project is part of KallistiOS. [⚠️ Unofficial, Most Advanced, Experimental Version ⚠️]
The first and original Mod Injector for Minecraft: Wii U Edition
⚠️ Merged in official KallistiOS dcload-serial codebase, this project isn't longer maintained here ⚠️ This unofficial fork became official in the real KallistiOS dcload-serial repository. ⚠️ A Dreamca...
A homebrew app sender for Wii and Wii U
A very incomplete cookie clicker clone for the wiiu
A simple c lib for building menus in 3DS Homebrew using printf
A TCP Gecko codehandler codetypes documentation in website format
This is a UDP debug logger for reading logs broadcasted by Wii U homebrew projects
The one stop shop for all your homebrew needs!