Lecture notes for Chris Peikert's graduate-level Theory of Cryptography course
Homepage for 17-803 "Empirical Methods" at Carnegie Mellon University
翻译 - 卡内基梅隆大学17-803“经验方法”的主页
Lattices in Cryptography (University of Michigan)
Course on Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE): Models, Solution, Estimation (graduate level)
CS 704 course website - Principles of Programming Languages
Course on Quantitative Macroeconomics (Master/PhD level)
Course on Macroeconometrics (graduate level)
Scientific Computing with Python - PhD class at the University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy)
Creative and educational project for distributed system
Information about and materials for graduate course "Logic of Quantitative Research in Political Science" at the University of Copenhagen, February 6-10, 2017
Course on Language Technologies and NLP
Course on GMM, Indirect Inference and Bootstrap for Economists (graduate level)
Based on OMSCS. 🎓 Collaborative open source notes for graduate computer science courses.
Introduction to R for Economists
Auxiliary platform for the graduate course `Lie Groups and Lie Algebras' (李群李代数).
#计算机科学#This mathematics course is taught for the first year Ph.D. students of computer science and related areas @zju
#计算机科学#Online Content equivalent to Machine Learning Masters Degree at an University
Class work for Intro to qCMB