#安卓#ODK Collect is an Android app for filling out forms. It's been used to collect billions of data points in challenging environments around the world. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨📋✨
翻译 - ODK Collect是用于填写表格的Android应用。它已用于在全球充满挑战的环境中收集数十亿个数据点。贡献自己,让世界更美好! ✨📋✨
ODK Build is a drag-and-drop form designer for ODK XForms. Thousands of users around the world depend on it for their data collection campaigns. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨📝✨
ODK Briefcase is a Java application for fetching and pushing forms and their contents. It helps make billions of data points from ODK portable. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨💼✨
The core library that many of the ODK tools are built around. It's written in Java, implements the ODK XForms spec, and runs on mobile devices and cloud servers. ✨🏗✨
Vue.js based frontend for ODK Central
#安卓#Offline First Android software client for CommCare, the world's largest platform for designing, managing, and deploying robust mobile applications to frontline workers worldwide
The XForms-derived specification used in the ODK ecosystem. If you are interested in building a tool that is compliant with the forms rendered by ODK tools, this is the place to start. ✨⚒✨
#计算机科学#This repo is used to organize and collaborate in sprints for code projects, hackathons, STAC and metadata specs development
ODK Validate is a Java application for confirming that a form is valid and compliant with the ODK XForms specification. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨🔍✨
Support for the Syria Economic Monitor
A collaborative open-source project showcasing 'Hello World' implementations and creative solutions across languages, tools, and frameworks.
It's a solution of the big global warming problem in a efficient way
Experimental design repo for ODK Collect 🎨📋