#安卓#ODK Collect is an Android app for filling out forms. It's been used to collect billions of data points in challenging environments around the world. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨📋✨
翻译 - ODK Collect是用于填写表格的Android应用。它已用于在全球充满挑战的环境中收集数十亿个数据点。贡献自己,让世界更美好! ✨📋✨
ODK Build is a drag-and-drop form designer for ODK XForms. Thousands of users around the world depend on it for their data collection campaigns. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨📝✨
ODK Briefcase is a Java application for fetching and pushing forms and their contents. It helps make billions of data points from ODK portable. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨💼✨
The core library that many of the ODK tools are built around. It's written in Java, implements the ODK XForms spec, and runs on mobile devices and cloud servers. ✨🏗✨
Numishare is an open source suite of applications for managing digital cultural heritage artifacts, with a particular focus on coins and medals.
#安卓#Offline First Android software client for CommCare, the world's largest platform for designing, managing, and deploying robust mobile applications to frontline workers worldwide
Simple text based xform Generator and Editor for Open Data Kit and OpenXData
ODK Validate is a Java application for confirming that a form is valid and compliant with the ODK XForms specification. Contribute and make the world a better place! ✨🔍✨
ThinkPad XForms Fan - C XForms program to modify ThinkPad fan speed
A library that provide the following cross platform features: -Direct bind of the events (in your views) to the methods or commands (in your view models) in your XAML code -Creating a preview of your...
Auto generates and submits xforms test data to any javarosa compatible server
This repository contains sample for date of birth validation using Syncfusion Xamarin.Forms masked edit control
The sample demonstrates how to integrate icon fonts with the SfBadgeView control in Xamarin applications.