#IOS#iOS & tvOS multi-emulator frontend, supporting various Atari, Bandai, NEC, Nintendo, Sega, SNK and Sony console systems… Get Started: https://wiki.provenance-emu.com |
翻译 - iOS和tvOS多模拟器前端,支持各种Atari,Bandai,NEC,Nintendo,Sega,SNK和Sony控制台系统。
From the original source code a new rebirth, to add a Trainer in your GBA roms!
Game Boy Advance homebrew games collected as a community maintained JSON database
C++ Library for Game Boy Advance Development
A WIP Game Boy Advance emulator.
An unblocked game file that Securly can't see.
create your own game-engine with just lua for game boy advance
Stuff from before Sherwin's Adventure was switched to a Modern Platforms game
Game Boy Advance Docker Developement Template
A LUA demo rom for presentation at Linux Day Rieti 2022
GameBoy game I made for Ludum Dare 46. Play web verion here -->
Logic (saleae) dumps of the Game Boy Advance (GBA) booting sequence with a game inserted
A JavaScript-based F-Zero: Maximum Velocity Jet Vermilion password generator that computes and outputs the fastest one to enter in-game, with the help of graph theory and Dijkstra's algorithm.
Lua Scripting and VisualBoyAdvance for interpretations.
悪魔城ドラキュラ サークルオブザムーン Auto Dash (Japanese Port of "Castlevania: COTM Auto Dashing")