This is a tool for Linux kernel ftrace and perf events visualization
A memory allocation tracer combined with stack trace.
Collection of codes focused on Linux rootkits
64-bit LKM Rootkit builder based on yaml prescription. Working on 5.15.5 kernel
Ftrace Based Linux Loadable Kernel Module Rootkit for Linux Kernel 5.x and 6.x on x86_64, hides files, hides process, hides bind shell & reverse shell port, privilege escalation, cleans up logs and ba...
Flight Data Recorder to enable "always on" diagnosability & observability
🐧 Курсовой проект по дисциплине "Операционные системы" (МГТУ ИУ7 2023)
Eliminating caching effects for I/Os to storage devices
Научно-исследовательская работа (НИРС) на тему сетевого мониторинга ядра ОС Linux
A tool to collect latencies from /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace