Advanced Game Hacking Library for C, Modern C++, Rust and Python (Windows/Linux/FreeBSD) (Process/Memory Hacking) (Hooking/Detouring) (Cross Platform) (x86/x64) (DLL/SO Injection) (Internal/External) ...
Inline syscalls made easy for windows on clang
翻译 - 内联系统调用使Clang上的Windows变得容易
A wrapper library around native windows sytem APIs
** DISCONTINUED ** C2 framework that uses Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) as communication protocol and Direct Syscalls + Dinvoke for EDR user-mode hooking evasion.
翻译 - C#反向外壳程序使用后台智能传输服务(BITS)作为通信协议。
📡🐧 Linux kernel syscall implementation tracker
Tool for working with Direct System Calls in Cobalt Strike's Beacon Object Files (BOF) via Syswhispers2
windows syscalls with a single line and a high level of abstraction. has modern cpp20 wrappers and utilities, range-based DLL and export enumeration, wrapper around KUSER_SHARED_DATA. supported compil...
#安卓#A library for loading ELF from memory and/or making Linux syscalls on Android written in pure Java.
An all-in-one Cobalt Strike BOF to patch, check and revert AMSI and ETW for x64 process. Both syscalls and dynamic resolve versions are available.
A manual system call library that supports functions from both ntdll.dll and win32u.dll
Generate a variety of suspect actions that are detected by Falco rulesets
Tool tracing syscalls in a fast way using eBPF linux kernel feature
Installs ucacher (Earthly Universal Caching) in a GHA job
A simple x86_64 AMD-v hypervisor type-2 Programmed with C++, with soon to be added syscall hooks. [W.I.P]
Real-time network & syscall monitoring tool for Linux systems and Kubernetes clusters