Datta Able - Open-Source Flask Dashboard | App-Generator.dev
Flask restful service consists of register, login, logout, reset password and some data routes. It includes a few example routes based on user, admin, or super admin access.
Flask Pixel UI Kit - Open-Source web app coded in Flask | AppSeed
Flask Boilerplate - Material Kit Design | AppSeed
Like and retweet your tweets, or search tweets by topic. It stores and serves data with a Flask webapp. 🐦 Live demo running on twitter.com/ai_testing
Flask starter template to help you build a scalable and maintanable project.
A mobile-responsive demo flask website that includes a login page.
Password Manager WebApp using Flask
read-only k8s interface and debugging platform
It is a basic Rule Base ChatBot purely made in Python(Flask) and run on server hosted on PythonAnywhere and works with the help of Twilio.
Online file storage and synchronization system
Stock-trading webiste
how to deal with multi-armed bandit problem through different approaches
A lightweight, easy-to-use youtube channel & playlist feed aggregator
A Convolutional Neural Network model created using PyTorch library over the MNIST dataset to recognize handwritten digits .
This webapp created on Flask which can convert any word into QR Code
This is a blog app created using the Flask web framework in Python for the backend and HTML/CSS & JavaScript for frontend. With this app, you can make blog posts. You will have a title and a descripti...
🧠 A lightweight blog app built with Python and Flask. Source Code from my Python and Flask Web Development Course (Lang: Italian)
COVID-19 Italy Pandemic and Vaccines Dashboard