Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to `position: sticky` polyfills 🍬
(DEPRECATED) The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks. Give us a star 🌟 if you like it!
翻译 - 永远不会烂的Vue.js 2.x最佳数据表。如果喜欢,给我们一个星星star! (不推荐使用。由于我,@ kenberkeley,唯一的维护者,不再适用于OneWay。错误可能已修复,但新功能或重大更改可能无法合并。但是,由于它的使用非常灵活,因此这在我看来仍然是最好的动态组件)
JavaScript library that makes any element on your page visible while you scroll.
zsv+lib: tabular data swiss-army knife CLI + world's fastest (simd) CSV parser
🧲 Blazing fast sticky widgets in one line! (Sidebar friendly)
A lightweight and adaptive jQuery plugin for creating sticky elements pinned to the page or to a container element
A low vram ver for installing novelai 4chan leaked ver.
Eaglercraft 1.8.8 javascript runtime. Multiplayer worlds available. Customizable profile, skins, settings, and controls. Game modes including creative, survival, peaceful, and more! Villages, mine sha...
A fixed and ready to use template for minecraft forge modding on 1.8.9 with shadow plugin integrated including two useful artifacts. Tested flawlessly on IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2022.2
Wrapper to use the awesome scrollMonitor with Vue@2.4.x
Sticky Layout for UICollectionViews!
jQuery plugin for making an element fixed when it goes out of view
Fixed Table Layout JavaScript Library
Monospaced Fonts for CTL Scripts (e.g. Devanagari, Tamil)