Play Minecraft in any browser!
Eaglercraft 1.8.8 javascript runtime. Multiplayer worlds available. Customizable profile, skins, settings, and controls. Game modes including creative, survival, peaceful, and more! Villages, mine sha...
A standalone implemention of the BungeeCord plugin for EaglercraftX, now with online vanilla server support!
Optifine client for Eaglercraft u34 with support for EaglerForge v1.3 mods
A modding API injector for vanilla eaglercraft builds.
bridges Java, bedrock, and even eaglercraft 1.8 so they can all play on the same server.
Minecraft 1.8.8 java playable on any web browser
Plugins and Mods for EaglerReborn and EaglerForge I did not make most of these.
Wurst ported Into EaglercraftX !!!
I use this repository for ruffle and this was made months ago before i understood html so its not very proper
Leaked Resent 5.0 #eaglercraft #eaglercraftx
A curated archive of Eaglercraft 1.8 hacked clients, designed for research and educational purposes. Stay informed about the latest modifications and exploits.
Eaglercraft rebooted official github page
Play Eaglercraft @!