Polyfill for CSS `position: sticky`
翻译 - CSS的Polyfill位置:粘性
Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to `position: sticky` polyfills 🍬
Library for sticky elements written in vanilla javascript
0 dependency JS plugin to leverage scroll direction with CSS ⬆⬇ 🔌💉
A react implementation of stickyroll (original)
A lightweight and adaptive jQuery plugin for creating sticky elements pinned to the page or to a container element
A directive for Ionic framework for creating affix headers.
Toggle CSS class names when an element becomes sticky to the DOM 🐙
Angular 4 sticky, have header or any component sticky easy to use.
URLFormJS - Create sticky forms, stateful applications, and shareable links.
Angular directive that adds sticky position to an HTML element and also applies and remove a custom class when the element is sticky positioned.
Announcement bar and sticky navigation bar done with Sass and ReactJS.
~~~MOVED TO GITLAB~~~ Blocks headers and other sticky elements from wasting precious vertical screen estate by pinning them down.
JS lib to stick elements on scroll
Sticky element on a scroll in React
library to have a really fast way to make a sticky element wrapped in another container
Simple Vanilla JS library for Sticky Media content | AppSeed