#安卓#Firebase Android SDK
翻译 - Firebase Android SDK
A Laravel package for the Firebase PHP Admin SDK
翻译 - 用于Firebase PHP Admin SDK的Laravel软件包
Firebase Quickstart Samples for Unity
Mecha Hamster is a game where you roll through customizable environments that you can share with your friends.
#安卓#⚡️ Firebase plugins for Capacitor. Supports Android, iOS and the Web.
Multi-platform game where you feed well dressed animals with sushi
Firebase Quickstart Samples for C++
FireBase for godot, new version https://github.com/FrogSquare/GDFirebase
#安卓#DeckBox for Pokémon TCG: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.r0adkll.deckbuilder
#安卓#Browse, search, download, and share amazing free photos provided by talented photographers.
Conditionally load CSS from Firebase Remote Config
#安卓#Modular Firebase 🔥 implementation for NativeScript. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.
Firebase Cocos2d-x samples
A base project containing frequently used Firebase services.
#安卓#My personal fitness app where I track my nutrition, arrange my workout schedule, set goals and show other personal stats. This project has become my new playground where I can just mess around ;)
#大语言模型#flutter app utilizing openAI to implement chatGPT making use of google auth, BLoc, animated_text_kit, http package and firebase_remote_config. Preview: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/atuoha-anthony_fl...
A Flutter demo app to interact with various Firebase services
#IOS#SwiftyRemoteConfig makes Firebase Remote Config enjoyable to use by combining expressive Swifty API with the benefits of static typing.