An index & manager of Onedrive based on serverless. Can be deployed to Heroku/Glitch/Vercel/Replit/SCF/FG/FC/CFC/PHP web hosting/VPS.
翻译 - Onedrive的列表索引和管理器。可以部署到Heroku / SCF / FC /网络托管/ VPS。
Background commands with log tailing/capture; waits until file/port/socket/http are ready to proceed. Isolates/dedupe errors.
FG 2024 Papers: Explore a comprehensive collection of research papers presented at one of the premier conferences on automatic face and gesture recognition. Seamlessly integrate code implementations f...
[FG 2019 Oral] Attribute-Guided Sketch Generation
This repo provides a terminal/shell similar to Linux one. Shell supports most of the basic builtin commands like cd, ls, pwd,pinfo. Also redirection and piping is also supported by the shell.