🦆 DuckDuckGo from the terminal
翻译 - :duck:DuckDuckGo从终端
Meta search page that utilises duckduckgo !bang query operators.
A Pop launcher plugin to search multiple pages with Duckduckgo bangs.
#搜索#Bring the power of Search Engines into the command line. Search using Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo straight from the command line
Repository of available Open Search Tags
#编辑器#Minimal vim plugin integration for DuckDuckGo cli `ddgr`
Web Extension to add a google bang in the duckduckgo search as button
#IOS#DuckDuckGo Bang for xSearch on Safari
Firefox extension to add a dedicated !g button for Duckduckgo. Also, look up your stats to compare ddg searches against !g
A Discord implementation of DuckDuckGo Bangs which are shortcuts that quickly take you to search results on websites.
Client-side demonstration of Open Search Tags
Focus the DuckDuckGo searchbar by typing "!"
A self-hosted blazingly-fast redirector, similar to DuckDuckGo !Bangs.