Port of Netty(v4.1.51.Final) for .NET
A RPC Framework Based On DotNetty
翻译 - 基于DotNetty的RPC框架
Inspired by microservices, a lightweight framework that looks like a rabbit, based on NET Core 2.0 Standard 2 core library
Uragano, A simple, high performance RPC library. Support load balancing, circuit breaker, fallback, caching, intercepting.
一步一步,由浅入深,学习如何使用.net core搭建微服务框架。
Getting to know DotNetty. Examples of use
QM 一个简单易用的、可拓展的游戏服务器框架;QM is a simple to use, extensible game server framework
Open Source Cross Platform EventStore(see https://eventstore.org/) Solution based on .NET Core 3.1 and Netty(https://github.com/cuteant/dotnetty-span-fork)
DotNettyRPC is based on DotNetty to build the RPC system, the message network transmission support the current mainstream codec
How do each OOtB ICommunicationListeners stack up to each-other? This project is an attempt to visualize the performance metrics of each OOtB and custom communication stacks.
a network application framework for rapid development of maintainable protocol servers and clients. 一个用于快速开发可维护的协议的服务器和客户端的网络应用程序框架。