Data Accelerator for Apache Spark simplifies onboarding to Streaming of Big Data. It offers a rich, easy to use experience to help with creation, editing and management of Spark jobs on Azure HDInsigh...
翻译 - 适用于Apache Spark的Data Accelerator简化了大数据流的入门。它提供了丰富,易于使用的体验,可帮助在Azure HDInsights或Databricks上创建,编辑和管理Spark作业,同时启用Spark引擎的全部功能。
Shows an approach to work with a microservices based architecture using .Net Core, Docker, and Azure Service Fabric/Kubernetes, applying Domain Driven Design (DDD) and Comand and Query Responsibility ...
Enable query support for your stateful services in Service Fabric via the OData protocol.
Patch Orchestration Application (POA) is an Azure Service Fabric application that automates operating system patching on a Service Fabric cluster without downtime.
This project is an extensions to ASP.NET Generic Host (HostBuilder) that simplifies development of Service Fabric Reliable Services.
CollectSFData is a Service Fabric support utility to collect detailed cluster traces and other diagnostics data for ingestion into Log Analytics or Azure Data Explorer for analysis.
A framework for exposing custom metrics and monitoring them with a watchdog in Azure Service Fabric.
Communication library to simplify using AutoRest generated client libraries in Azure Service Fabric
To hold any artifact related to Gallery items for all resource providers.
Community Msbuild targets and Powershell cmdlets for Service Fabric
How do each OOtB ICommunicationListeners stack up to each-other? This project is an attempt to visualize the performance metrics of each OOtB and custom communication stacks.
ServiceFabric.HttpClient is a small http client communication library for Azure Service Fabric.
Custom service fabric V2 serialization
Pluralsight course on Service Fabric development
V1 Prototype of Job Orchestration Engine