Resources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs
翻译 - 园丁将其数字笔记放在公共互联网上的资源,链接,项目和想法
Start your own digital garden using this Jekyll template 🌱
翻译 - 使用此Jekyll模板创建自己的数字花园🌱
Build your own personal Digital Garden effortlessly with this Hugo theme
A digital garden by Eva Decker, design engineer.
Share your Obsidian notes online
#博客#NoteMap: a handy tool for analyzing, organizing, and finding patterns in text files. It works with PDFs, TXTs, and DOCXs. You can also brainstorm ideas and chat with your notes.
🌱 a place to think about digital gardening
🌱 a place to think about digital gardening
💎 supercharge your note-taking with index pages, Anki decks, calendar pages, and more.
My Digital Garden, Knowledge Base, collection TILs, whatever you wanna call it. I store the tidbits of knowledge that I've gathered over the years, in this repository.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome things related to Tana.
#博客#Um modelo para um blog pessoal
Link Analyzer is a powerful Obsidian plugin designed to provide a detailed analysis of links within your markdown files.
Welcome to my digital garden
#大语言模型#Homoiconic scripting and orchestration language dialect + SDK + in-the-box CI/CD and dev-env featuring Dr. Racket, python, Deno, and GIT. SmallTalk/Pharo-inspired. 'RAG' as-in retreival-augmented gene...
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