🎓 无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建漂亮的学术网站 Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo and GitHub. No code.
Start your own digital garden using this Jekyll template 🌱
翻译 - 使用此Jekyll模板创建自己的数字花园🌱
Graph Data Science: an abstraction layer in Python for building knowledge graphs, integrated with popular graph libraries – atop Pandas, NetworkX, RAPIDS, RDFlib, pySHACL, PyVis, morph-kgc, pslpython,...
Automatic RoamResearch backup to Git
Extract annotations (highlights and scribbles) from PDF, EPUB, and notebooks marked with reMarkable tablets. Export to Markdown, PDF, PNG, SVG
Chrome highlighter that quickly and easily puts your highlights into Roam format for easy pasting into your notes.
A command line tool to convert Tweets to Markdown.
Automatic backups from Roam Research into your private GitHub repo
Offline-, mobile-first graph note-taking app focused on performance with the knowledgebase of any scale
#编辑器#Fuz is a blazingly fast text, file and folder search tool
Fabricius is an Anki plugin that bidirectionally syncs between Roam and Anki.
Connector extension between Roam Research & Zotero
A static-site generator for Roam Research
#博客#✒️ Publish HTML from markdown or tab indented notes. Static site generator in Sublime Text! Alternative to Obsidian.
Convert Asana project to RoamResearch page