#编辑器#The developer platform for on-demand cloud development environments to create software faster and more securely.
翻译 - Gitpod是一个开源Kubernetes应用程序,在您的浏览器中提供了预先构建的协作式开发环境-由VS Code提供支持。
WampServer PHP CLI version changer is a Microsoft Windows batch script that allows you to easily add and then change between available WampServer PHP CLI versions using the users environment 'path' va...
Set of Scripts and Documentation to setup Mac as Development Environment
Folder based containers that isolate project environments with escapes to the host for development
Simple Docker project for Learning/Developing with Anaconda/Python.
cross-platform package manager for developer
Developer boxes (containers) for development and automated builds (prototyping or testing phase!)
Ready to use developer environment based on Fedora. Optional support for: python, nodejs, golang, docker, aws, gcp, kubernetes, minikube, samba, nfs
💻🎤🗒 Our main repo for storing meetups and projects content
Setup dev machines using ansible.
An ongoing curated list of frameworks and libraries, articles and books , talks and screencasts, recordings, blogs and github link repositories, learning tutorials and resources about Developer Experi...
These are my personalized custom script to setup my developer environment in any computer. The bash script is an upgrade version from a script generated by Quicky.Dev, and this VS Code theme was a cus...
School project about System Administration that I realized with 3 colleague students @ HoGent
Helping you create the best IDE possible!
Generate alpha URL deployments on Kubernetes using Helm + Ambassador
Driving DistCC-based distributed C/C++ compilation in a smarter way: without having to deal with DISTCC_HOSTS intricacies and without accidentally stalling your development machine.
WordBox is a truly modern WordPress development (and deployment) environment.