#IOS#📐Custom layouts for UICollectionView with examples [iOS 12+].
An overhauled fork of the original Custom UI Editor for Microsoft Office, built with WPF
翻译 - 使用WPF构建的,用于Microsoft Office的原始自定义UI编辑器的大修版
#IOS#🗂 Expandable, hierarchical, flexible, declarative UICollectionView with diffable data sources & SwiftUI-like tree items builder [Swift 5.1, iOS & iPadOS 13].
"EasyUIBuilder" is a small software tool designed to create JSON UI forms more quickly in Minecraft Bedrock Edition!
#博客#A Next.js Markdown Blog and CMS written in TypeScript. Publish and edit blog posts without a build using On-Demand ISR.
UI, design, animations in swiftUI and more ...
homeassistant custom_ui - state-card-button
Dicoding.com Submission for Belajar Pengembangan Aplikasi Android Intermediate
Android Video Player using ExoPlayer library Sample project (Hammad Tariq Assignment)
Flutter repository use to storage custom ui and utility function
This is a basic implementation of tipsi-stripe with custom UI and node.js backend ( without cloud functions ) in react native.
HeCopUI Framework is a WinForm library that supports custom UI controls.
The given app allows you to perform basic arithmetic operations on numbers with floating point.
Custom dialog with the custom design having multi TextField and Date Picker
#IOS#Cryptocurrency calculator inspired by Terminator design.
#安卓#MediaPicker is an Android application that allows users to pick multiple or single images and videos with a fully custom UI.