种群算法复现(swarm-algorithm),包括乌鸦搜索(Crow Search Algorithm, CSA)、樽海鞘群算法(Salp Swarm Algorithm, SSA)、缎蓝园丁鸟优化算法(Satin Bowerbird Optimizer, SBO)、麻雀搜索算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm, SSA)、 狼群搜索算法(2007WPS, 2013WPA)、正...
My Study Notes for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2019
Miscellaneous samples, documents, how-tos, utilities, scripts, and other CSA tidbits
A web application that maps out community-supported agriculture in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, based on crowdsourced data.
Administration platform for Community Supported Agriculture groups
Web application to manage CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), ACP (Agriculture Contractuelle de Proximité) or Solawi (Solidarische Landwirtschaft) organizations.
Adding ReScript with rescript-react on top of @snowpack/app-template-react
Анонси, програми та архів матеріалів українських конференцій з кібер-безпеки.
A fast solid-state NMR spectrum simulation and analysis library.
#算法刷题#Transit Routing server app using Connection Scan Algorithm and flexible parameters
#博客#This repository contains the work I've done in my second year along with some study materials which I had collected.
A Shogi game serialization/deserialization library in CSA format.
#区块链#Use Solidary Contracts + Transparent Data + Good-habit Incentivizing to strengthen consumer-producer relationships, shorten healthy food supply chains, and grow natural-farming communities organically
[A PART OF MY BACHELOR THESIS] Efficient Design of FIR filter using G_best Guided Cuckoo Search Meta-heuristic Algorithm