Crypto Collectibles Book(let) Series. Programming (Crypto) Pixel Punk Profile Pictures & (Generative) Art - Step-by-Step Book / Guide. Inside Unique 24×24 Pixel Art on the Blockchain...
翻译 - Crypto Collectibles Book(let) 系列。编程 CryptoPunks 和 Copypasta 分步书籍/指南。区块链上独特的像素艺术...
#区块链#Awesome Matt & John's® Punks Bubble (Anno 2021) - Modern 24x24 Pixel Crypto Art on the Blockchain since 2017 - 10 000 Unique Collectible Characters Generated Algorithmically ++ Bonus: Inside the Matt ...
Punk Datasets - Meta Data (In Tabular .CSV Format) Incl. Attributes & More - Original Matt & John's Series (V1/V2), Expansion, More, & Frens
#区块链#Notes and codes of my self-learning courses, including AI / Web3 / Computer Science
#区块链#Implementation of solidity problems from cryptozombies, a way of learning solidity by Loom Network
Cryptozombies zkSync tutorial Lesson 17
Cryptozombies zkSync tutorial Lesson 18
CryptoZombies All Chapters Repo in latest Solidity Version
#区块链#Ethereum/Dollar (ETHUSD) price oracle that calls upon Binance's API whilst maintaining a high level of decentralisation. smart-contract tutorial made compatible with Truffle.
Lesson code practices for ""
#学习与技能提升#My code samples from following the CryptoZombies tutorial.
🧟 Inspired by CryptoZombies. Create your own customisable Substrate Zombies or Buy and Sell your Zombies to each other!
A repository of CryptoZombies codes with comments for revision
#区块链#Crypto currency Game
#区块链#Create your own crypto-collectables game to learn how to develop Solidity smart contracts with CryptoZombies, a free interactive code school.