Crypto Collectibles Book(let) Series. Programming (Crypto) Pixel Punk Profile Pictures & (Generative) Art - Step-by-Step Book / Guide. Inside Unique 24×24 Pixel Art on the Blockchain...
翻译 - Crypto Collectibles Book(let) 系列。编程 CryptoPunks 和 Copypasta 分步书籍/指南。区块链上独特的像素艺术...
DIY (Do-It-Yourself) - Yes, You Can! Pixel Art Collection Quick Starter - Generate Algorithmically Your Own Curated (or Randomized) Collection
翻译 - 枚举库/ gem-安全的枚举/枚举类型-绑定到唯一整数的一组符号键(包括位标志选项)
punks.js - draw punk (pixel) art images using any design (in ascii text) in any colors; incl. 2x/4x/8x zoom for bigger sizes and more
#区块链#Awesome Matt & John's® Punks Bubble (Anno 2021) - Modern 24x24 Pixel Crypto Art on the Blockchain since 2017 - 10 000 Unique Collectible Characters Generated Algorithmically ++ Bonus: Inside the Matt ...
punks.sandbox - how-tos and samples scripts to generate your own (crypto) punk pixel art and more
artbase - zero-config web server / services; (auto-)downloads & serves pre-configured pixel art collections "out-of-the-box"; incl. 2x/4x/8x zoom for bigger image sizes and more; binaries for easy "xc...
DIY (Do-It-Yourself) - Yes, You Can! Design Your Own Punk (Pixel) Characters / Heads using the Punk (Building) Blocks in the 24×24px Format And Much More
Punk Datasets - Meta Data (In Tabular .CSV Format) Incl. Attributes & More - Original Matt & John's Series (V1/V2), Expansion, More, & Frens
(crypto) pixel punks - libraries, tools & scripts, and more
punks - the free white label quick starter edition - (re)create from zero / scratch a pixel-perfect copy of the first Matt & John's® 10 000 punks collection (Anno 2017)
Awesome 24px (and 28px) Downloads - Free Pixel Art Collections in the 24x24 (and 28x28) Format - Punks, Apes, Cats, Dogs, Rocks, And More
Let's Go! Programming (Crypto) Pixel Punk Profile Pictures & (Generative) Art with Go - Step-by-Step Book / Guide Inside Unique 24×24 Pixel Art on the Blockchain...
Inside the CryptoPunks Blockchain Contracts / Services incl. the Historic V1 and Wrapped CryptoPunks V1 (WPUNKS1) and Wrapped CryptoPunks V2 (WPUNKS), V3, V4, and Many More
Ordinal inscription command line tools, machinery & helpers for Bitcoin, Litcoin, Dogecoin & Co.
DIY (Do-It-Yourself) - Yes, You Can! Design Your Own Punk (Pixel) Characters / Heads+Bodies using the Punk (Building) Blocks in the 24×24px (or 32×32px or 40×40px ) Formats And Much More
artbase ("right-clicker") command line tool & scripts - download complete pixel art collections - yes, you can! - automate "right-click 'n' save" and much more