#前端开发#Complete Free Coding Bootcamp with the MERN Stack
翻译 - 完整的免费编码Bootcamp 2020 MERN堆栈(面向初学者)
This is a repository for all my projects during the program at 42 US in Silicon Valley.
Repository of all my work during the program of Ecole 42 SIlicon Valley; a private, project-based and tuition-free coding school.
React Native Bootcamp 2021 (completely free)
Learning git can be hard without the right tutorial, hopefully this guided tour will point you in the right direction.
CoderDojo Altona North - News & Updates
A password generator that presents users with options as to what they want for a finalized and most importantly, random password. This app is mobile friendly!
#博客#Escuela.dev - Escuela de programación en Malaga y Madrid, España - In English too
Standart library project (libft) from Ecole 42 (done in School 21, Moscow campus)
#面试#Codes that are more Logical then You think, and complete in just 1 or 2 Lines of Code.
Professional portfolio page made for University of Utah Coding web development coding bootcamp. Primary HTML and CSS, it provides links to deployed projects I have worked on.
Responsive Portfolio
Georgia Tech Week 13 - Friend Finder
A responsive coding bootcamp testimonials slider built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Georgia Tech Week 5 - Advanced Trivia