中文 CSL 样式 - Zotero 中文社区
Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
翻译 - 引用样式语言(CSL)引用样式的官方存储库。
#计算机科学#Fast citation reference parsing
Microsoft Word and Bibliography Styles extender.
Official repository for distribution of validated CSL citation styles.
Estilo de citação nos padrões da ABNT de 2023 para Zotero
📘 Adicione estilos da ABNT ao Microsoft Word ™
Tools for Zotero (citation and reference management software)
Academic markdown with citations!
Makes your Zotero's/Mendeley's bibliography export compatible with markdown
jstyle sheet, APA style for LibreOffice with JabRef
Tools for acknowledging another person's ideas.
A template for research projects using Pandoc, Reveal.js, and CSL.
This project leads to find academic citation in scientific paper. It also helps to label each cite and give you a graphical demonstration about frequency of citations type. Web-page is cite-quest.ir
A Flask app for generating academic citations in different styles.
MOVED to https://gitlab.com/crossref/citation_style_classifier
It's a csl file for zotero and mendeley with an approximation of the citation style for the FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. Optimized for geomatic/engineer stund...
Domain-specific Language for Citation Styles