🙈 Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.
翻译 - :see_no_evil:大众汽车检测您的测试何时在CI服务器上运行,并使其通过。
Knapsack splits tests evenly across parallel CI nodes to run fast CI build and save you time.
Conan Package Tools. Helps with massive package creation and CI integration (Travis CI, Appveyor...)
Knapsack Pro gem splits tests across parallel CI nodes and makes sure that tests run in optimal time
A CI server written in Erlang. NSWIDY (Not Sure What I'm Doing, Yet)
A lightweight CI-server with a web interface
A base Docker image for a general-purpose C++ CI build
Sample docker scripts that provide building blocks for provisionning full SoftwareAG environment on Docker. See https://github.com/lanimall/sagdevops-dbcreator-docker for DB creation of SAG docker in...
Utility for define semantic version of the package by git environment (by current branch and tags). Inspired by GitFlow, Semver, GitVersion.
A command-line tool for interacting with GoCD
Utility for define semantic version of the package by git environment (by current branch and tags). Inspired by GitFlow, Semver, GitVersion.
Helper functions for constructing unit testing and integration testing efficiently
Vagrant Template to deploy TeamCity server