Program allow you to program flash memory on the protocols spi, I2C, MicroWire. Supports CH341a, CH347, UsbAsp, AVRISP(LUFA), Arduino, FT232H.
Linux kernel driver for CH341A USB to SPI and GPIO adapters
Windows tool for using CH341A EEPROM/FLASH programmer for other purposes
Dreg's fork flashrom special edition for Buzzpirat & bus pirate. Windows x64 & x32 raiden_debug_spi, ft2232_spi, serprog, buspirate_spi, dediprog, developerbox, pony_spi, usbblaster_spi, pickit2_spi, ...
Documents and Software Related to the famous CH341a used in I2C/SPI Flash Programmers also called as Bios Programmers
How to calculate the baud rate of a CH341/CH340 usb serial adapter with a very small error rate
Everything Ive found online regarding the CH341A SPI Flash EEPROM Programmer.
Accessing Microwire EEPROM 93LC86 from LC CH341A USB using SPI mode
avrdude with ch341a programmer support (fullspeed and bitbang) for Windows WCH official driver and Linux (based on Alexey Sadkov patch and WinChipHead sources).