#学习与技能提升#HydraBus HydraFW official firmware for open source multi-tool for anyone interested in learning/developping/debugging/hacking/Penetration Testing for basic or advanced embedded hardware
A serprog-based SPI programmer to be used in conjuction with flashrom for the Flipper Zero.
Dreg's fork flashrom special edition for Buzzpirat & bus pirate. Windows x64 & x32 raiden_debug_spi, ft2232_spi, serprog, buspirate_spi, dediprog, developerbox, pony_spi, usbblaster_spi, pickit2_spi, ...
flashrom/serprog SPI programmer implementation for esp32 family
It does a test of the Flash memory giving us back what Flash identification codes.
Govee RGBICWW Smart Table Lamp Teardown & Firmware Analysis
Bash scripts to write firmware to a ThinkPad Yoga 11e Chromebook via a serial connection to the flash chip.