Command line utility for standing up a BOSH director on an IAAS of your choice.
翻译 - 命令行实用程序,用于在您选择的IAAS上站立BOSH主管。
UNMAINTAINED, see README! Kodi Addon for watching streams from (formerly (easyCredit BBL, DEL, 3.Liga, Frauen-Fussball-Bundesliga, Sky Kompakt and more)
Classes servant à encoder / décoder les paquets Blablaland
Chapatiz & Blablaland like game engines
airtango streamt alle Spiele der 2. Basketball Bundesliga (ProA) live
Accept payment by BBL for Prestashop 1.6
A docker image with a set of tools to setup bosh on aws.
WPF App for managing a garden center's customer, product, and offer data. it features a layered architecture with a data access layer (DAL), business logic layer (BLL), and presentation layer.