🎮 Battle city remake built with react.
翻译 - react战役重制城建有反应。
Play games without touching keyboard
Classical battle-city game made with bevy engine.
Java Swing project to simulate classic 2D tank game. Supports Two player local game server. A* algorithm for AI.
基于 TypeScript 的《坦克大战》的非标准实现. Yet another Battle City implementation with TypeScript.
JavaScript implementation of classic NES game Battle City.
Clone of Battle City game on Unity. Its a testing task for freelance. See code, not game!
🍭 This is a game based on canvas! Editable and more smooth 🎮
A tribute to Battle City game made with Phaser and TypeScript
The classical BattleCity1990 game, support dual play via bluetooth
Battle City clone developed for the Game Boy Advance and ARM architecture, using original assets from the classic game.
A small Battle City clone made with C++ and Qt (generation of level is present, and one fast, but stupid enemy)
A React component, that can be included on webpage and after pressing a certain combination of keys it overlays the webpage and opens up a game based on "Tanks" (see: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat...
👾 RL agent that completes the Battle City arcade game
Desktop Windows app of old 8-bit game about tanks "Battle City"
One and Multiplayer Game. I used to call this game as Tanker game and I love this game. and finally build this in java.